LGBT or Christian?

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I wish to start this article off by saying that I am a transgender woman, I am an Eastern Learning Pagan Spiritualist, and I have all my life supported the Democrats while demonizing the Republican Party in addition to the Libertarian Cult of Ayn Rand. Please keep this in mind when I say that I do have some support for religious exemption laws and do feel the Left could be doing more to negotiate these with the Right. For those who aren’t from America or don’t follow politics at all, a Religious Exemption Law is one that says you can ignore certain rules in the name of sincerely held religious beliefs. The problems with this are the idea is far too similar to Jim Crow, an old law and policy that would allow clerks to refuse service to people on the basis of skin color. However it does prevent religious organizations from having to do things that violate core principles of the faith. Personally I do believe in Freedom Of Religion and that people shouldn’t be asked to do something if what they are doing they believe to be wrong or a violation of what the higher powers or their own moral code has asked of them.

As far as the Democrats are concerned, Christianity is to be shamed outright as a backwards ideology that needs to get with the times and accept the ideas of modern Atheists. Meaning they aren’t on board with offering people protections based on their Religion. However this isn’t all bad as Catholic owned Healthcare companies, one of them, Fidelis, is my insurance provider, have fought to deny women birth control, have sought to deny gay couples fertility treatments, and have taught that Autism is not anything that needs therapy or medicine but rather something you can just pray away. Additionally there are many attempts by Republican Leadership to label Homosexuals, Bisexuals, and Transgender Individuals as being second class citizen such as the Bathroom Law put into effect by the biggest disgrace to a once great state ever known to man, Pat McCory, and the Rainbow Jim Crow initiative put forth by Trump the Chump’s joy-boyfriend (Mike) Pence The Dense. For the record though HB2 is cited as the bathroom bill, it also allows businesses to refuse service to Gays, refuse to hire anyone who is LGBT, prevents labor unions for anyone heterosexual, cisgender, or otherwise, and locks the minimum wage at the highly unsustainable 7.25. Bathrooms are the tip of the ice berg with this monstrosity.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, the Right is the complete opposite extreme, the Bible is the true word of God and anyone who disagrees needs to be run out of town and burned to the stake like the Godless Heathen they are. As a result being Christian is the antithesis of having to take responsibility for your actions and is very much a free pass to do whatever you want, as long as your name isn’t Pope Francis and you’re trying to preach against the evils of corporate greed. They’ll try to use strawmen about how forcing a restaurant to serve a gay man would be like asking a Jewish Deli Owner to put bacon on his menu, even though this is a clear case of false equivalence. The jewish man is making decisions about his menu and what items he wishes to stock, but the bigot is straight up saying that queer individuals have no place in his society and don’t deserve to eat even if they’re paying for it. Ergo, the Jewish man isn’t imposing his will upon another individuals, merely upon himself, the bigot is trying to attack other people. At the end of the day, people who are Christian are allowed to walk all over people who aren’t Christian, and if the Non-Christians don’t like it they can start showing up to Church on Sunday and enlist in Ex-Gay Therapy if they want to start getting treated like real people.

Personally I think these two if they had any real interest in getting anything accomplished as opposed to standing around having a dick-measuring contest while seeing who can get the coziest with Wall Street without getting caught by an Internet Blogger, they’d realize there’s an easy solution to this that helps both parties and ensures the rights of all individuals. A Religious Exemption Law with limitation, meaning that your Religious Exemption Law can only protect someone if the service they offer can easily be tied to a religion, and if they are not an officially recognized medical provider.

Meaning if you’re a Christian Run Health Organization like an Insurance Provider or a Hopsital and the only cure for a woman’s irregular period is Birth Control, you’re going to have to provide Birth Control. Same goes for everyone else, if you’re a New Age Spiritualist Run Health Organization you can’t provide homeopathic medicine in place of real treatments. This also means you must make medically accurate statements about things like STDs, Condoms, Birth Control, Homosexuality, Transgender, Mental Illness, Abortion, and etc. None of this “If you have abortion, it raises your risk of breast cancer by 300%!!!” Refusal to do so, means that you’re still allowed to operate, but you have no Government certification and you cannot legally call yourself a Health Organization, nor are you allowed to provide health insurance. I’d never force a Christian Run Hospital to provide Abortion under any circumstance, especially since you don’t go to a Hospital for an Abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood or an Abortion Clinic. For the record, I am Pro-Life and believe Abortion should only be done to save the mother’s life or if the fetus isn’t viable/is already dead. Ultimately I’d have to say if the decision came to “Abortions Are NEVER Allowed” Vs. “Abortions Are The Mother’s Decision, period.” I’d be closer to the latter regardless of how I personally feel about it. It’s both less medically irresponsible, and far less of a creepy misogynistic “Women Are Broodmares and nothing more.” society.

If you’re a Christian run insurance company and you don’t wanna provide such things, then get the hell out of the insurance business. I for one have Fidelis, a catholic ran insurance company which was the only insurance company I could choose from at the time. They are covering my MTF Genital Reconstruction Surgery and believe you me, I would be colossally fucked over if they were allowed to decide that transpeople don’t need transition, but instead we just need a bible and a couple of anti-depressants to say the very least. Personally, I’m an advocate for Single Payer Healthcare and don’t believe ANY Health Insurance Companies should exist if they’re just going to make millions deciding who lives and who dies. Oh and if you’re a Faith Healer, either prove your power before you talk or you straight up need to be in jail for child endangerment you moronic psychopathic sadist. Believe me, as someone whose studied the mystic arts for years and lost close relatives, if there was a tonic of eye of newt or an ancient Latin phrase that could beat cancer I’d know about it. Only one man can perform miracles in God’s name on command and he was born about 2016 years ago.

However, our topic isn’t single payer healthcare nor is it abortion, so I’ll move on to where under my idea Christians would have protections. First off, they’d only have them in relevant fields, meaning a Christian based company that does Wedding Preparations would not have to provide anything for a same sex marriage if they weren’t comfortable with it, meaning no wedding cakes, no wedding photographers, and a church would be under no obligation to provide themselves as a venue for your ceremony. You would still have the right to be legally recognized as a married couple and no one can deny you a marriage license regardless of how much they believed your marriage was wrong, and your wedding ceremony couldn’t be barred from taking place on private property you or a consenting friend or family member owned, or in a public park. However, this does not mean that a Christian owned baker can deny you a BIRTHDAY cake because you’re gay, or something even smaller than that like a muffin or a spot of coffee because that isn’t relevant to the sincerely held religious beliefs. Same goes for if you’re an orphanage ran by a religious organization and not the state, you should be allowed to turn Same Sex Couples down for adoption, but if you’re state run then hell no you can’t.

Someone is free to say no to baking me a wedding cake for me and my cisgender male fiance if they feel a marriage between a Transwoman and a Cisman is some kind of abomination. When I am married, I already know which friends of mine I’m going to invite and which friends of mine who although are very dear to my heart would prefer to spend their time not attending a ceremony held if it was an affront to a sincerely held belief. Yes, a Magick Using Transwoman and a Pious Straight Catholic Man can be friends, it’s really amazing what you can accomplish when you’re not an asshole.

Having unabridged religious protections allows Religion to dominate society and make important decisions about who is “Us” and who is “Them”, the kinds of decisions that can get people outright slain by theocratic crusaders acting under one of the most awfully effective shields on with a wicked heart can have at their disposal, a righteous noble cause. Conversely, not having religious protections makes Christians and other theists feel vulnerable, as though they’re being brushed aside and forced to practice their faith behind closed doors for fear of retribution of a world inhospitable to their most sincere and honest feelings, to truths in their heart. If your reaction to that is to tell these people to stop listening to faerie tales and pick up a science textbook, then you are living proof that demons exist and they do walk among us their names are Intolerance, Self-Righteousness, and Apathy. That’s something you can take to the bank from the transwoman spiritualist whose best friend is a catholic quantum mathematician!

Overall, what’s important to keep in mind is a separation of Church and State, or to make it easier a proper distinction between Private and Public. A county public library has the duty to provide as much to read as is possible on as many topics so that people may educate themselves and become more knowledgeable on a variety of topics. It has no right to exclude books for going into controversial topics, meaning it must stock the works of Pat Robertson and Richard Dawkins, however a Church run library taking private donations may not turn anyone away unless they misbehave, but they’re free to choose the reading and limit it to exclusively Christian texts. Personally, in my private library there is no room for Pat Robertson nor Richard Dawkins as they’re both arrogant try-hard imbeciles who stopped making any sense decades ago.

Sadly I feel politics and political factions are so heavily polarized that nothing I’ve said will be taken to heart and that I’ll be called an idiot by both the Left and the Right, but to stop speaking truth in times when lies are plenty is a disservice to the very soul. So with that, I bid you a good day and Happy Halloween.

2 thoughts on “LGBT or Christian?

    1. I never said Christians can’t be gay, I’m saying we can exist in a world where it’s not “One or the other”, Christians CAN be gay and should not pretend gays don’t or shouldn’t exist…. and that we shouldn’t automatically assume someone is a backwards bigot just because they’re gay. Ya chicken wingus


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